
AEGEE-Passau – Travel Reimbursement – new regulation from 2018

Our Travel Reimbursement aims to support our members on travelling to international AEGEE events, by a partial reimbursement.

General information:

– When visiting an AEGEE event abroad, as an AEGEE-Passau member and enrolled student of the University of Passau, an application for travel reimbursement for incurred travel expenses can be submitted
– Submission period:
WS: 01.10. – 31.03. / SS: 01.04. – 30.09.
– Application for a maximum of 2 events per semester: 1 leisure event 1 formal event.
o leisure Events: Summer Universities, Summer Events, etc.
o formal events: Agora, EPM, NWM
o in case of events that cannot be assigned by that, the presidium decides on a case-by-case basis

– A contribution for AEGEE-Passau must be made.
– The contribution is to actively participate as a helper, organizer, or host in one of the working groups or events of AEGEE Passau; also possible, position as board member or advisory board.
– In addition, one of the following three contributions should be made:

  1. Report (about 1 page) about the visited event (German + English) with a photo (for our homepage).
  2. Presentation (about 10 minutes) about the event at one of our Thursday meetings.
  3. For our newsletter and our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram): posts, pictures or videos

If more AEGEE-Passau members participated at the same event, one can contribute one of the three contributions together in a group.

– Application must be submitted in the semester in which the event took place.
– The deadline for the application is the end of the respective semester.
– AEGEE members can apply for Travel Reimbursement also until one semester after leaving the University of Passau.
– The completed travel reimbursement form (see website) and proof of all travel expenses that are to be included in the reimbursement must be submitted to the Treasurer in due time in one PDF. Travel expenses include participation fees for the respective event, flight, train and bus tickets as well as costs of comparable means of transport except public transport.


Applicaton   Travel Reimbursement Application
(Applications are only accepted in form of Google forms)


Calculation of the refund:
– 50% refund of travel expenses and participation fee, but not more than 50 € per event
– Exception: Representation of AEGEE-Passau as delegate at the AGORA:

  • 50% of travel expenses, but not more than 100 € per Agora
  • Full amount of the participation fee (up to 80 € maximum)
  • Requirement: Delegates in coordination with the Board present findings of the Agora at one of our weekly meetings